
Revitalize Your Dental Practice with These Top 6 Magazines to Ignite Growth

October 4, 2021
January 26, 2024
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As a dentist, you’re always looking for ways to stay updated on the latest dental advancements. If you’re not reading dentistry journals every day, then it’s time to get back into the habit. To know what’s going on in this industry and stay ahead of the curve, some magazines need to be added to your list of subscriptions. Here are five must-read dental magazines in 2022!

1. Dental Economics

Source: Dental Economics, Issue 9 (September 2021)

Dental Economics is the leading health practice management journal. It was first published back in 1910 under Oral Hygiene and was later renamed Dental Economics in 1967. It is one of the most-read publications in the dentist industry because of its rich history of helping dentists treat their patients more effectively.

This publication is a must-read for all dentists, as it covers topics such as finance, marketing, patient care, and more.

2. Decisions in Dentistry

Source: Decisions in Dentistry, September 2021 issue

Decisions in Dentistry is a peer-reviewed publication. The journal reflects cutting-edge thinking from renowned educators, researchers, and clinicians. It offers evidence-based, clinically relevant articles in an engaging and easy-to-understand format.

Decisions in Dentistry takes a unique approach by making complex things simple and continuing education for dentists to enhance their technique and provide the most significant level of care.

3. Dentistry Today

Source: Dentistry Today, September 2021 issue

Dentistry Today is another leading clinical news magazine for dentists. This magazine is published monthly, and it covers news, technology, and research in the field. The magazine also presents clinical case studies and features on oral health.

Dentistry Today is published by the American Association of Dental Editors (AADE).

4. DentalReach

Thousands of dentists globally use DentalReach to find reliable information on dental education. All content on this website is verified and written by subject matter experts. DentalReach is a gated community, strictly for dental professionals.

Besides being a monthly e-magazine, it regularly conducts webinars, conferences, digital events, and contests, and supports other national and international organizations in conducting the same. You can find an archive of DentalReach issues available to read online or via PDFs on its website.

5. Dentistry IQ

Source: Dental IQ

DentistryIQ delivers content that is focused on patient treatment, technological developments, dental equipment, patient communication, dental coding, dental insurance, practice management, dental marketing, new dental products & reviews, public health issues in dentistry, and more.

DentistryIQ is a valuable resource for dentists looking to improve their skills.

6. Dentaltown Magazine

Source: Dentaltown, September 2021 issue

Dentaltown magazine is one of the most popular dental magazines in the United States. It was founded by Dr. John B. Little, DDS in 1994, and has grown to be a top-rated publication.

It covers topics related to dental health, including news updates, innovations in technology, prevention strategies for oral disease, clinical research findings, and more! The articles are written by dentists or other dental professionals who are passionate about their work.


While we’ve given you a list of dental magazines to keep updated with the latest health practices, it is always best practice for dentists and oral care professionals to read as many publications as they can. This will help them stay updated with the latest trends in dental care.

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