8 Effective Marketing Ideas for Dentists

New Year, New Smiles
If you want to start the New Year off right and with a bang, do all in your power to attract new patients and make those you already have devoted, lifelong clients. Here are some marketing essentials that will help you understand which marketing strategy will produce the best results before you choose one for your dental clinic:
1. Make A New Year Resolution:
Some more straightforward examples of what you may aim for include being the most organized dental practice in your community or the one that offers the greatest root canals. Therefore, define some goals initially, then some targets, and the ultimate goal should unquestionably be to grow the number of patients.
2. Identify Your Target Audience:
As the topic suggests, you need to create a profile of the patients you want to reach.

- Make an excel sheet or register where you may record information on your current patients, such as their age, career, the issue they are encountering, etc.
- Based on the location you are in, you might target a particular group of people.
- For instance, if you are located in an affluent area, you can choose to target high earners by thinking about what they would need from you or what services you should provide to be the best at grabbing their attention right away.
- Major population of any country is middle class, so you may target middle-class patients and set your prices to appeal to them while also keeping an eye on what your competitors are charging.
3. Analyse The Results Of Your Marketing Strategies
Two crucial components of achieving positive achievements in life are application and analysis. In order to determine whether your marketing approach is effective or not, you must be aware of some necessary mathematics.
- Customer Lifetime Value: Retaining existing customers is equally important as aiming for new ones. An existing loyal customer would invest more, refer you, etc. Hence customer retention is directly proportional to higher customer lifetime value (CLV).
- Customer Acquisition Cost: This means how much you have spent in bringing the customer to your door. Technically, you should spend just one-third of the customer's lifetime value.
- Digital Marketing Metrics: Analyze the results of your recent offline and online marketing efforts. For this, you can analyze metrics like number of clicks on map link, clicks on the call button, time when people interact most with ads, cost per click, etc.
Marketing Ideas for Dentists to Excel This New Year
1. Design your Website
If you don't already have a dental practice website, make one in the new year, and if you do, enhance it.
You can add changes like "Santa, reindeer, Christmas tree, etc." on the logos or on your homepage to indicate it’s Christmas time. For the new year, you can add crackers bursting with a new year message, snow, etc. For the long term, you can have headers with taglines like, "Make 2023 a Year of Bright Smile", "Start this Year With a Smile Never Seen Before", etc.
2. Organize A Dental Checkup Campaign
Giving them a complimentary service is the best approach to draw customers. In the vicinity of the location you want your crowd to come from and where the neighbors are, set up a small tent. Have the qualifying staff members present around your camp, and urge them to bring the crowd in to wish them a happy new year and to receive a free dental checkup and some dental care advice for the new year.
Set up this camp before the new year begins and after it ends. When you set up the camp prior to the new year, state their problems, give them some basic remedies, and ask them to revisit your camp after the holidays are over. After the new year, when you set up camp again, call the patients whose records you obtained before the new year and invite them to come in for a follow-up examination.
When they come back to see you after the new year, give them a rundown of the best treatments you could provide them at your clinic, and because they are your loyal clients, give them the best deal on your services so they can't refuse to make an appointment at your clinic.
3. Video Marketing
- Create films of events, such as a staff's New Year party.
- As the holiday mode is on, patients would like to have some questions answered, and record the video of this QnA.
- Record a video of your new year campaign (stated above)
This new year, create an interesting video and post it on all social media sites. Don't forget to include your website and YouTube as well.
4. Create a Photo Booth
Throughout the year, ask your patients to take a photo of themselves after receiving therapy to document the transformation. Post all the photos on your website and social media sites with appropriate hashtags for the new year.
5. Guerilla Marketing
It is a type of advertising where one uses unusual or surprising strategies to bring their product or business to the customer's attention instantly. Guerilla marketing is considered quite inexpensive. Here are some examples to further explain guerilla marketing:

- To promote King Kong 3D, the media company left enormous guerilla footprints on the sand at the community beach along with the crushed remains of an automobile. This created a massive buzz for the release.

- In order to make popsicles or ice cream, Colgate used a wooden stick that was carved into the shape of a toothbrush imprinted with the Colgate logo. This wooden stick advised everyone to brush their teeth with Colgate's product after consuming this ice cream.
- A massive, gigantic-sized popsicle was left out on the streets as Bounty advertised its ice cream. Some people used it to click, while others actually licked the ice cream and appreciated the treats that were provided.
- Mr. Clean employed guerrilla marketing at the zebra crossing where all the white stripes were left in their natural state (dirty), but one of the stripes included a Mr. Clean emblem that was brilliantly white and gleaming.

- There are many stairs around, therefore IKEA employed staircases in public locations to give each one a drawer look, promoting their brand and their credo to utilise space in your home.
How You May Use Guerilla Marketing?
- Install benches, couches, or seats in the shape of teeth or other often used dental tools in public areas, with the name of your practice inscribed over them and a happy new year message.
- You may use huge advertising balloons over public places wishing everyone a great new year from your dental clinic.
- You can create brochures in the shape of teeth.
- You can show ads on a billboard near a popular candy store.
- Using Google ads, ads can be shown to people searching things like, "My kid is eating too much sweet", "when should I visit dentist", etc.
6. Organize A Fun Party
Plan a new year's celebration at your clinic or perhaps another location you choose. Learn more about your patients.
- Organize some fun games.
- Give them some promotional or discount codes.
- Inform them of the free services you are providing this year.
- Encourage your clients to tell others about you.
- Give them brochures highlighting super discounted rates of the services you provide.
7. Hold A Contest
Hold a contest online on your Facebook page, instagram page and your website where a patient who brings referrals or a significant number of referrals will be rewarded with a good surprise gift.
8. Post Calendars
Print 2023 calendars or postcards with the name, address, and phone number of your dental office. Additionally, display a pamphlet or flyer outlining a dental care schedule and some fast fixes for common dental problems. Additionally, you can promote the goods your clinic sells by outlining their uses and the issues they can help patients with.Utilize the winter to promote your dentist's office as much as you can. Always strive to receive positive reviews for your services. This is one of the most powerful weapons to achieve your goals.
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